Radiation Safety and Cleanup Preparations


The RPO is defined by AR 40-i4 as ‘‘the individual designated by the

commanderto provide consultation and advice on the degree of hazards

associated with ionizing radiation and the effectiveness of measures to
control these hazards.”’ The J-2 officer on the JTG staff, an Army colonel
or lieutenant colonel (Nuclear Medical Science Officer), was designated as
the RPO for Enewetak Atoll. He was assisted by the J-2 staff of radiation
The RCC wasestablished to review procedures involvedin the handling
of radioactive materials, to make recommendations concerning protective
measures required in radiologically controlled areas, and to monitor the
implementation of the Enewetak Atoll radiological protection program.

The RCC metat least once a quarter and was chaired by the JTG Deputy
Commander/Chiefof Staff. Other committee membersincluded the J-2,

whowasalso the recorder, the Engineering ManagementOfficer (J-3), the

Assistant J-3 (Atoll Safety Officer), Service Element Commanders, the

Staff Surgeon, the Enewetak Radiation Support Project (ERSP) manager,

and the FRST NoncommissionedOfficer in Charge (NCOIC).!5

The FRST consisted of 33 USAF personnel who operated the atoll
radiation protection program and, at each work site, implemented the

procedures contained in the SOPs. Specific functions included hot line

control; air sampler operation; issuing, collecting, and reading
supplementary personnel dosimetry devices; monitoring personnel and
equipment; supervision of radsafe procedures—and changes thereto~on
site; and directing decontamination of personnel, facilities, and equipment
as required.
To implementthe general guidance in the basic documents, andtotailor
that guidance to the situations existing at Enewetak, the J-2 and hisstaff
developed 18 SOPs and !2 Enewetak Atoll Instructions (EAIs) which,

when approved by the RCC and CJTG, provided the workers with the

specifics of what to do and how todoit in the field of radiation safety to the
end that personnel exposures were as low as reasonably achievable.

To provide an independent assessment of the radiological protection
program, the Director, DNA chartered a ‘‘Radiation Safety Audit and

Inspection Team’’ (RSAIT) and gaveit widest authority to probe into all

aspects of the radsafe program. The team was headed by the Director,
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI), and included

members (generally health physicists) from each of the Services and

ERDA/Department of Energy (DOE)

Select target paragraph3