Radiation Safety and Cleanup Preparations


situation, an extensive radiation protection program was developed. To
protect against exposure from alpha and beta radiation, personnel

protective equipment was used, personnel monitoring and

decontamination procedures were established, and a variety of
administrative procedures were formulated. To protect against exposure to
gamma radiation, rigorous precautions were taken to assure that the

gamma-contaminated areas were well defined, access to them wasstrictly
controlled, and the time any individual could spend in such an area was
limited. The radiation protection program andits remarkable effectiveness is discussed in the subsequentsections. No other aspect of the Enewetak
radiological cleanup operation received the attention, priority, and detail
that the radiation safety (radsafe) program received.


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Army Regulation (AR) 40-14, 20 May 1975, was adopted as the basic

standard for personne! radiation exposures at Enewetak. This document
implements the guidelines contained in Title 10, Code of Federal

Regulations (CFR), Part 20 and Title 29, CFR, Part 1910.!2.13These basic

radiation standards, which were adopted for the Enewetak Cleanup
Project, include:
a. The accumulated dose equivalent of radiation to the’ whole-body,
head and trunk, active blood-forming organs, gonads, or lens of the
eye will not exceed:
(1) 1.25 rems in any calendar quarter, nor

(2) 5 remsin any calendar year.

b. The accumulated dose equivalent of radiation to the skin of the

whole-body (other than hands and forearms), cornea of the eye, and
bone will not exceed:


7.50 remsin any calendar quarter, nor

(2) 30 remsin any calendar year.

c. The accumulated dose equivalent of radiation to the hands and wrists

or the feet and ankles will not exceed:


(1) 18.75 rems in any calendar quarter, nor
(2) 75 rems in any | calendar year.

d. The accumulated dose equivalentof radiation to the forearmswill not

(1) 10 rems in any calendar quarter, nor

(2) 30 remsin any calendar year.

e. The accumulated dose equivalent of radiation to the thyroid, other
organs, tissues, and organ system will not exceed:


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Select target paragraph3