Most of the noncontaminated material to be removed during the
cleanup project was located on the three islands designatéd for residence:

Japtan (David), Medren (Elmer), and Enewetak (Fred). This material
consisted primarily of buildings and equipment acquired by the base
support contractor during the nuclear test period. The Defense Logistics

Agency agreed to have its Defense Property Disposal Service (DPDS)

conduct a sale of this material and return a proportionate amount of any
proceeds to the base support contract.! The scrap was monitored by Field
Command, DNAto assure that it was free of radioactive contamination,
marked for identification to bidders, and then transferred to DPDS. The
invitation for bid was issued in November 19762 and, on 11 January 1977,
24 prospective bidders were flown to Enewetak for on-site inspections.
Sixteen bids were received, the successful one being $544,000. To
minimize interference with the early returnees’ settlementof Japtan, scrap
removal was to be complete on that island by 4 May 1977. Scrap removal
on the remaining islands was to be complete by 30 November 1977 to

minimize interference with Joint Task Group (JTG) cleanup operations.4

The contractor began work in March 1977 and, after several extensions

due to unforeseen circumstances, completed his operations on 11
September 1978. Within 18 months, with a work force of approximately 20
people working 10 hours per day, 7 days per week, and with government
logistics and intra-atoll transportation support, the contractor removed
most of the excess buildings, salvage material, and scrap from the three

residential islands. The material removed amounted to well over 55,000
cubic yards, weighing in excess of 38,000 long tons.5 It was estimated that

the scrap removal operation reduced the noncontaminated cleanup effort
for the JTG by 117,971 man-hours.6 While the salvage contractor was
starting cleanup operations on the southern islands and the base camps on
Enewetak Island and Lojwa (Ursula) were being readied, radiological
survey work beganin the northernislands.

OPLAN 600-77 called for the use of an Army helicopter to carry an
Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) contractor’s


Select target paragraph3