


stock and outsize cargo were ready for release by the depots. The U.S.
Army Material Development and Readiness Command Logistics Control

Activity took action to have it shipped to San Diegoin a roll-on/roll-off
configuration to facilitate loading and offloading. Also, Army and Field

Command cargo in Oakland wasto be transshipped to San Diego to be

loaded on the September 1977 Navy sealift. Unresolved was a required
delivery date on atoll for the four Army LARCs waiting at Rough and
Ready Depot, California, for movement down the Sacramento River and

onward to Enewetak. Field Commandagreedto resolve the matter before

the next major conference in mid-August 1977.83

The Armed Forces Radio and Television Service stations at Enewetak

Camp and Lojwa Camp wereinstalled in late July and early August 1977 by

technicians from the Television-Audio Support Activity of the U.S. Army
Electronics Command, Sacramento Army Depot, California. The system
provided for broadcast of video tapes and FM radio (Figure 3-18). The
Enewetak Campvideo station began broadcasting on Ii August 1977, and
the Lojwa Camp station went on the air a few dayslater.
On 29 July 1977, Brigadier General Grayson D. Tate, USA, replaced BG

Lacy as Commander, Field Command, DNA. Later that week, Colonel
Charles J. Treat, USA, reported for duty with Field Command’s Logistics

Directorate, and became the Special Assistant for Enewetak Operations.
His addition to the managementstaff was to prove of inestimable value.

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