
Since containment of contaminated soil and debris was

accomplished on northern Runit, certain basic facilities were

established on the uncontaminated southern endoftheisland to s
that operation. Preliminary design concepts for construction of
containment supportfacilities at the Runit work site were develo
personnel of an Army Engineer Brigade at the Second Enewetak PI
Conference. The equipment specifications assumed that new com!

equipment would be procured with MILCON funds, d
Congressional and DOD direction to make use of existing
equipment. Identification and location of suitable substitutes in
equipment pools required an exhaustive effort by Field Cor

engineers and logisticians and by Headquarters DNA supply per:

Much ofthe needed equipment was found in Navy inventories. Nc

the substitutes were fully satisfactory when put into operation; ho
most of the Runit crater containment operation was performe

existing DOD equipment,despite significant maintenance and opet

problems, described in Chapter 8.
Construction offacilities on south Runit was severely constrain
it could be determined if there was a contaminated burial site near t

ground zero, and until the south end of the island could be d
radiologically clean. Until this was accomplished, troops erecti
administrative building were required to wear full-face masks.
gloves, and rubber boots. Despite the 90-degree heat and the disc

of wearing anticontamination gear, the crew had completely fram
roofed the structure before the area was declared safe and the rest:

were lifted on 15 July 1977 (Figure 3-16).77:78 Meanw!
decontamination building, latrine, and concrete slabs for a boatra:

been prefabricated at Enewetak Campforinstallation on south R
Much of the aggregate for Runit site construction was hauled fr

stockpile at Enjebi. As in the case of Lojwa, Runit constructi
significantly slowed by lack of certain critical building materials.

Building materials which arrived at the ports of embarkation a:
American Racer sailed were delivered by a special COMNAVSUI
sealift consisting of the USS POINT DEFIANCE and USS FREDI
The ships called at Oakland, California, for that cargo, after
landing craft and other Navy cargo at San Diego and demolition ma
Seal Beach, California. More equipment and supplies were loaded

Select target paragraph3