


equipment operators, and because the face plates were set out from the

face to provide moreair circulation within the mask and hence greater

wearer comfort, an important factor in the tropical climate. M17 standarg

military masks were not used because of possible plutonium migration

through the filter cartridges and the tight facial contact. The antj-

contamination suits chosen were light-weight and cotton, thus providing

protection with minimal discomfort. None of these items had been used by
troops in a tropical atoll environment, but they were: well tested anq

proved excellent choices at Enewetak. 72

28 JUNE 1977
ERDA-NVoffice provided two distinctly different types of support to

the Enewetak Radiological Cleanup Project:
a. Base operations and maintenance support were furnished through
ERDA-PASO, directed by Mr. Stanley, and through H&N-PTD,

whose General Manager was Mr. Donald J. Brush. The ERDA-PASO

Site Representative position at Enewetak was manned by personnel
from their Hickam AFBoffice on a rotational, temporary-duty basis.
b. Radiological support for the cleanup project was managed by ERDANV as a project; i.e., the Enewetak Radiological Support Project

(ERSP). The ERSP Project Manager was Mr. Roger Ray, ‘then

Assistant Manager for Environment and Safety, ERDA-NV. ERSP

was organized as shown in Figure 3-13. Staff support was furnished by

ERDA-NV and ERDA-PASOas required. On-site operations were
directed by the Project Manager or, in his absence, one of the Deputy
Project Managers serving on rotational assignments. They were
assisted from time to time by technical representatives from the

Three ERDA-NVcontractors were assigned to the ERSP project:
a. EG&G, Inc. equipped, maintained, and operated van-mounted
radiation detection measurement and data recording systems. EG&G
also performed the reduction, analysis, and interpretation of data
from these systems.

b. Eberline Instrument Corporation (EIC) equipped, maintained, and
operatedfield analytical and instrumentcalibration laboratories.

c. Desert Research Institute (DRI) assisted in the on-site interpretation

and mappingofdata collected by EG&G. DRIalso provided advice as

to samplingareas and arrays as requested by the Project Manager. 73

To comply with Congressional direction, enlisted specialists from the
Navy andAir Force were assigned to maintain radiological equipment and
to assist in the laboratory and in field survey work.

Select target paragraph3