




Engineers and draftsmen were sent from their corporate headquarters to
assist in these efforts.

Normally, the Army Corps of Engineers or the Naval Facilities
Engineering Commandis the design and construction agent for projects

funded by the Military Construction Appropriation. Authorization was
obtained for the Director, DNA to be the design and construction agent
for the Enewetak Cleanup Project.27 The Commander, Field Command

was authorized to act for the Director, DNA in obtaining H&N-PTD’s

services for design and construction of the Enewetak Atoll facilities. 28.29

H&N-PTDagain brought employees from Johnston Atoll to augmentits
Enewetak work force to complete rehabilitation of the Enewetak Camp.
The work involved over 70 facilities including the dining hall, billets,

laundry, power and water plants, recreation, supply, and maintenance

buildings.3° The total cost was almost $2,000,000 and was financed by a
combination of Military Construction (MILCON) funds and Army and
DNA O&M funds.3! H&N had the essential elements of the Enewetak

Campready by 15 June 1977. Two other projects were to be completed by

the Army Element: (1) construction of billet spaces for the helicopter crew

in one wing ofthe hangar; and (2) partitioning a portion of Building 24 for
Army Element headquartersoffices.

Select target paragraph3