
A more effective and less expensive means of providing contre

support—by extending the Johnston Atoll support system to inc

Enewetak Atoll—was proposed by Mr. David L. Wilson, of 5
Command. At Johnston Atoll, the Energy Research and Developn

Administration’s Nevada Operations Office (ERDA-NV), under
Economy Act of 1932,!7 furnished Fieid Command the services 0

contractor, Holmes & Narver, Pacific Test Division (H&N-PTD

operate and maintain the Field Commandbase there. Field Comma

atoll commander exercised operational control over H&N-PT
engineering, repair, maintenance, and operationsservices, and establis
work requirements by issuing base regulations, annual work orders,
special work orders as required. Extension of this system to Enew
Atoll would provide effective, flexible contractor support for the clez
project. When the proposal was discussed with the Director of ERI

Pacific Area Support Office (PASO), Mr. William J. Stanley, in Septer

1975, it was learned that he too had considered and supported
concept.!8 A formal evaluation and economic analysis was condu
which indicated that a savings of $200,000 per year could be realized bs
entering into a separate Enewetak Atoll contract for the cleanup.
civilian and two military man-years previously devoted to administe
the caretaker contract were to be saved. Also, adoption of the pro]

permitted reallocation of resources between the atolls to accom
priority tasks and facilitated maximum utilization of DNA resource
accomplish DNA missionsin the Pacific.!9.20 Use of H&N-PTD to de:


engineer, and accomplish major repair and rehabilitation projec!
Enewetak also resulted in significant savings over the use of |

contractors for such projects. After several months of negotiation.
proposal was approved for H&N-PTD to replace MATSCO as

Enewetak Atoll support contractor effective 1 April 1976.2!

Preparations to upgrade Enewetak Camp from caretakerto sta:
status began in February 1976, when teams from Field Command
H&N conducted a survey of equipment and facilities. During h

February 1975 visit to the atoll, Director, DNA, Lieutenant Ger
Warren D. Johnson, USAF, had ordered a general cleanup ofthec:

including storage areas where unserviceable and serviceable e)

material from the test period had been commingled and abandone


great disarray. This cleanup was accomplished by the two-man |
Command team, Mr. John Armstrong and Staff Sergeant C
Rittenberry, USAF, in conjunction with their equipment survey.

period of 24 days, they cleaned out and put in order 42 build
removing 170 dumptruck loads of salvage and trash.22,.23
The transition from MATSCO to H&N-PTD began in mid-March

and, on | April 1976, H&N-PTD became the base support contracto


Select target paragraph3