
Planning and Programming


of 8 months. For the purposes of this documentary, this period may|
viewed as a 3-month preparatory phase ending on D-Day (during whi

time personnel and material for the cleanup were identified, ordered,a:

transported to Enewetak), and a 5-month mobilization phase following |
Day (during which time the base camps were built or rehabilitated and

on-atoll preparations for the cleanup were made).
Comparison of the CONPLANand OPLANschedules reveals that t

OPLANallowed more time to prepare the more permanent type be

camps (5 months versus 2) and more time to demobilize them (7 mont
versus 1). Although the 20th Brigade engineers generally confirmed t


accuracy of the Engineering Study and CONPLANworkloadestimates
conducting their own survey, they allowed only 22 monthsin the OPLA
for actual radiological cleanup and containment versus 24 monthsin t
CONPLAN. However, the CONPLAN cleanup estimates includ

demobilization of the base camps while the engineers’ estimatesallocat
time separately for that function. The OPLAN was based on excision a
containment of about 79,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil (
estimate which appeared in the EIS). The planners believed that,il
became necessary to expand the scope of work to the possible totals

125,000 to 200,000 cubic yards mentioned in the CONPLAN, additio:
money, manpower, resources and time would be required.

Several controversial issues arose during development of OPLAN 60
77. In reviewing the CONPLAN,the JCS planners had reduced the For
Activity Designator priority to FAD V, which is normally assigned
routine administrative missions. The Service logisticians at the OPLA
conference confirmed DNA’s belief that supplies ordered with a FAD
would not be delivered in time to support a 1S June 1977 D-Day. At the
request, DNA appealed the Joint Staff decision, and the project w

authorized higher priorities for both mobilization(FAD ID) and resup{

(FAD IID).332
OPLAN conferees also requested that DNA determine if spec
transportation rates for the project could be obtained from Military Air!

Command (MAC)and Military Sealift Command (MSC), based ont

MILCON Appropriation Act which indicated that transportation would
furnished without reimbursement. The Assistant Secretary of Defen:

Comptroller, advised DNA that the law did not apply to industria

funded DOD components such as MAC and MSC; therefore, no spec

transportation rates would be providedfor the project.333

Select target paragraph3