line with the thinking of the Senate-House authorization conference Whig

had authorized $20 million as a target rather than a limit.200) yp Ye

Senate-House appropriations conference to resolve the Committees
differences on funding, the Senate conferees, after lengthy discussion, «

reluctantly agreed to defer funding. . .’’ and conceded that Othe;

alternatives for restoration of the atoll should be explored before Vast

sumswere spent on what could be anineffective program.20! This endey
chances for funding and beginning the cleanup project in FY 1976. —

That autumn also saw the first of many changes in Field Commang
management of the Enewetak Atoll Cleanup Project. RADM Swanson
the Commander, retired and was replaced by his deputy, Brigadie;
General Thomas E. Lacy, USAF; COL Esser, the Director of Logistics ang
Chairman of the Enewetak Planning Group,retired and was replaced
Colonel J. R. Schaefer, USA. Since BG Lacy and COL Schaefer hay

already been involved for more than a year in planning the project, this
changeover did not have major impact onthe management continuity,

After Congress declined to provide funding for the project in FY 1976,
LTG Johnson requested a conference with ASD(ISA) to’ review the

program and determine a course for future action.2°2 The conferencetook
place on 5 December 1975. Participants included Mr. Amos Jordan,

principal Deputy of ASD(ISA), LTG Johnson, and his Deputy for
Operations and Administration, Major General William E. Shedd, I,
USA.After a review of the situation, it was agreed that:
@ DOD would seek FY 1977 fundsin the amountof $20 million for the

e@ ASD(ISA) would assist in arranging for other agencies to testify on
behalf of the project.

e@ DNAwould advise the JCS of DOD’sintention to use TDY military
personnel for the project. _
® DNA would look into reducing MILCON costs by having a scrap
buyer remove the noncontaminated scrap and debris,2°3 an option

suggested by Field Command.204

In January 1976, the DNA Logistics Director, Mr. Earl Eagles, and his
staff began work with Congressional staff members to promote
understanding and approval of the $20 million MILCON fund requestfor

FY 1977.205 He arranged for Mr. Robert C. Nicholas,III, Staff Assistantto

the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, and
Mr. Vorley M. Rexroad, Staff Assistant to the Senate Military
‘Construction Appropriations Subcommittee, to accompany LTG Johnson

Select target paragraph3