Planning and Programming

There were 12 possible combinations of cleanup actions an

rehabilitation plans. Some were found to be incompatible, and others wer

rejected for basic deficiencies. Of those remaining, a matrix wa

constructed (Figure 2-3) to show a reasonable range of alternatives. Fiv:
representative combinations were chosen for detailed analysis of dos:

reduction, health effects, cost, and general acceptability. The five case:

(shown in Figure 2-3) are described briefly as follows:

Case I: No cleanup; useofall islands without restriction as indicatedir
the 1973 Master Plan. This case was rejected as it would expose the people
to all of the radiological and physical hazards existing in the atoll.
Case 2: No radiological cleanup; removal of physical hazards and

obstructions to use on the southern islands, Jinedrol (Alvin) through

Kidrenen (Keith); residence on the southern islands only; use of fooc
grown on only southernislands. This case was rejected as it did not permi

eventual use of the northernislands.

Case 3: Removal of hazardous and obstructive scrap from all islands anc

removal of an estimated 79,000 cubic yards of plutonium concentration:

from Boken, Lujor, Aomon, and Runit (Figure 2-4); disposal o

contaminated debris and soil by one of several options including crate:

containment; residence on southernislands only; use only coconuts fron
northern islands. (Enjebi was regarded as a special case by the AEC Tas}
Group, and Case 3 did not include removal of plutonium concentrations ir

Hatreanion Mans


All tehande used in apnerdence

with Enowauh Monet Man

Cleanup Actions

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