
Page Five
Jonathan Weisgall
January 21, 1982


the MarshalIs. My doctoral dissertation specifically
addresses this issue, and for the past seven years I have
been gathering data about the social and cultural effects
associated with the weapons tests. I am distressed by the
fact that the Brookhaven researchers have continually
Ignored the psychological impact of the weapons tests, and “
I consider the psychological problems to be as important as
the actual radiation-induced pathologies in terms of how
the weapons tests have disrupted Marshallese culture.
example, when I was in the’’Marshalls last year, I spoke with
Jabwe Jojur who is the magistrate of Rongelap. Jabwe
explained that since 1970, when the DOE and DOD made the
radiological survey of the Northern Marshalls, that DOE
declared the northern half of Rongelap off-limits due to
dangerous levels of residual radiation. Jabwe told me of
the fears his people have of living at Rongelap, and related
that the people know that fish in the lagoon circulate
throughout the entire lagoon. Jabwe explained that

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