- 8 -


The disintegration rate of a sample was determined by the

disintegrations/min = (counts /min) 5.



in which tow is the correction for air gap and window absorption, fo the
total scattering factor as defined by the ordinates of Fig. 3, and g is the
percent physical geometry for the counter (3.11 percent) as measured by
a Radium DEF Standard or by the 100 percent geometry counter.
‘The following is a summaryof the chemistry and counting techniques
used for the nuclides included in the excitation functions of Fig. 2.
sr 89,

Initial separation was delayed for one week so that the 9. 7-hour

sr?! could decay to undetectable levels in order to avoid interfering radioactivity of the 61-day y7l,

The Sr was separated with Ba as the nitrate,

scavenged with Fe(OH), using NH, gas, the Ba removed by repeated
precipitation of BaCroO, from NH,Ac solution (pH 5), and finally the
precipitation of Sr as the carbonate.


Initial separation was performed immediately after bombard-

ment since its precursors are presumed to be short.

The zirconium was

extracted into 0.4M thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTA) in benzene from
4M HCl or HNO, after initial extraction of the aqueous phase by diisopropyl

The TTA phase was washed three times with 4M HNO3; evaporated

to dryness, and ignited to ZrO,.
pgi pa! i2.

Separation of the Pd fraction was made about two

hours after bombardment so that more than 99.9 percent of the 22-minute
pal}! could decay; and thus minimize the Agi} contamination of the
final Pd fraction.

A correction was made for the activity of the 3. 2-hour

Agi t4 daughter of pal lé
6N HCl

The Pd was separated as the sulfide from

and as the dimethylglyoxime (DMG). Scavenges of Fe(OH), and

AgCl were used, and the Pd was placed onto a Dowex A-1 column
(5 x 0.3 cm of 200 to 300 mesh) with dilute HCl.

The column was washed

with 0. 1M HCl and 1. 5N H,50,; and the Pd eluted with IN NH, OH.



Select target paragraph3