~ 6 -

of the observed nuclide.


The maxim: of the excitation functions in Fig. 2

are in general agreement with the previous observations.

The decrease

with increasing energy is ascribed to the increase of the formation probability of less neutron-rich isobars at the higher bombarding energies.
The total 109 and 112 mass yields should be nearly the same, for
these masses are near the expected peak of the high energy fission-product

Below 75 Mev, the cross sections for formation of pq! 9?

and pail are the same (Fig. 2), while above 75 Mev, the pal !4 (n/p = 1.44)

formation cross section is lower thar that of pq! 0? (n/p = 1.37).


decrease of the pat 4 formation cross section relative to that of pal 9?

can be attributed to the direct formation tyfission of Agtlé in/p = 1.38)
by the above hypothesis.

This effect was demonstrated Ly isolating a

silver fraction from palladium a few minctes after 2a 190-Mev bombardment.
This silver fraction was then purified from other fission products by
standard radiochemical analyses.

After correcting the observed Agi l4

activity for growth from pa’ l4 before separation, the direct formation
cross section was found to ke 20 mb at 190 Mev.

The difference between

the Pd 109 and pai i4 formation cross sections at 190 Mev was about 20 mb.
The gr? excitation function also shows a marked decrease with
increasing energy (Fig. 2).

Attempts were made to measure the direct

formation cross section of NE?!, bat the niobium could not be separated
from the zirconium present with sufficiert rapidity to afford an unambiguous

After correction for the growth from zr?! the upper limit of the

Nb’? cross section was set at 8 mk.

The maximum of the zr?! cross

section is 78 mb, and the cross section at 190 Mew is 72 mb (Fig. 2).


decrease is just outside the experimental error and is almost certainly
less than 8 mb.

The results of the study of the 97 chain, while not conclu-

Sive, are in agreement with the postulate.

The authors would like to express appreciztion to Dr. Manfred
Lindner and Mr. R. N. Osborne for the use of some of their data prior to
publication; to Mr. J. T. Vale and the crew of the 184-inch cyclotron,

and to Mr. G. B. Ross: and the crew of the 60-1n-h cvelotron for their
cooperation in making these bombardments possibile; and to Mrs. E. Read
for technical assistance.


Select target paragraph3