PREFACE": Be -..


mo“This report isconcerned with the high-dispersion ‘spectral characteriatics of the devices
“fired at Operation Ivy and the comparison of these characteristics with those of other nuclear
explosions recorded in Operations Greenhouse, Buster-Jangle, and Tumbier-Snapper..All the work reported here was done at the request of the Los AlamosScientific Laboratory.
(LASL) and under the supervision of the J-Division of that laboratory. At Greenhouse, the
Optics Division participation (which included the spectroscopic work) was part of the Naval .
Research Laboratory (NRL) program headed by Wayne C. Hall of the Electricity Division. For
the remaining operations, spectroacopic work has been part of the Optics Division commitment directly to LASL.. .
The spectrographic observations were made at Greenhouse and Buster-Jangle by Joseph
A. Curcio, who, with Louis F. Drummeter, was also responsible for. the original identification:
of many of the spectral features which are common to nuclear explosions.=

The observations and the preliminary data reduction at Tumbler-Snapper and Ivy were =,
made by Carl A. Beck and John H. Campbell.
The data analysis reported here was done in collaboration with DorothyB. Buttrey, who:

also aided materially in the assembling of the final text:


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