
This is at least partly due to much stronger absorption by O; and probably also by the strength
of the NO, absorption spectrum. This effect is seen better on the original plates.
Appendix A is a composite tabulation of measured wavelengths for the various shots. The
names of the shots head all but the first and the last columns. The first column contains identifications for each Schumann-Runge line. The branch and transition are designated by “P” or

“R” followed by the rotational quantum number,J, for the final (lower) state.’ The true wave-

length and the member of the band system are also given. For other molecules and for atoms,
the true wavelengths and chemical symbols are given in the first column. Other identifications
are made immediately to the left of the measured wavelengths for various shots, and rough
visual estimates of the absorption or emission strengths in many cases are given immediately
to the right of the measured wavelength. Where there is no intensity number given, it can be
taken to mean that the corresponding line is relatively weak. Emission is designated by the
letters “em”; all other structure is absorption. For convenience, the last column to the right
marked “Fe” gives true wavelengths of {ron as taken directly from the MIT Wavelength Tables.
A notation in Appendix A does not necessarily establish a sure identification since there
may be superposition of something else, such as unreported lines of NOs, at that position. Of
the lines not identified, some, no doubt, are lines of S-R O, or NO, missed in the present study
or not reported in the literature. The extremely broad bands around 3500 A attributed to HNO,

(see Fig. 3.1) are not included in the table. The table can be used profitably in a negative

manner to indicate the exclusion of a suspected material.

For completeness Appendix B is given. It is comprised of negative prints of all the original plates exposed at Operation Ivy. However, there is much in the originals that is lost in
these prints since all regions on the originals give information except parts in Figs. B.1 and
The Baird spectrograph was used at Mike to try to record the very early spectrum, but
only a meager bit of information in the form of a line showed on the plate. This may be the
head of the 4278 A Nf band, but, since it is not certain, it is not indicated in the results.



Select target paragraph3