
iimtenies vn2v une immediate environs of all houses constructed
Zinini Islani te

covered by coral aggregate and sand taken

TYim tvher less redicective island or reef areas.
ea2 telie?,

the itomie Energy Commission's recommendation was not


Upon information

Trotn information and belief,


the Atomic Energy Commission

recommenced that tne coral aggregate and sand used in the mixing
cl itneretvs for the Floor slabs, walls, and porches of houses and

ginvater cisterns on Bikini Island be taken from other less
veiicective islani or reef areas.

Upon information and belief, the

alimic Energy TUommissicn's recommendation was not followed.

zy latter of June 17, 1971, Dr. Martin Biles, Director

os Bey

of tne Atomics inergy Commission's Division of Operational satet:
fntormed cerandent ¢chanston that,

from the radiological viewpoint5

the Interior of recent radiological findings

wiBel:PR la

ana of the desiracility of conducting a sophisticated "follow-on"
recitlogy survey.


at an inter-agency Bikini Planning Meeting held on

S72 in srnaheim, California, Dr. Biles, (of the Atomte
> Commission, now ERDA;

see 7 71, supra) stated that new”


for obtaining a more comprehensive radiological

s.ovey of Einint head been developed since the original Bikint“uevey


Es aise stated that Federal regulations regarding

vadiclozi2ze. safety nad become more stringent since that time.

In Merch 7, 1975,

the then Secretary of the Interior,

Borers 2.25. Morton, wrote to defendant Schlesinger as follows:

Select target paragraph3