c2 to the substantive issues in this case.
252 02 interrogatories, which are being served
ronzemporansous with the ‘tiling of this action,

upon all

seex information from Defendants as to other
be presently pending involving similar

or identical factual issues or issues of law to those related

Onl. after counsel for both sides have had an
opportunity to canvass other districts will it be possible
mine whether there is need for appointment of a
walti-district zvanel or for special multi-district handling
si discsvexrcr anv other phase of this litigation.
Counsel Sor Plaintiffs believe,

at this time, that

it is crobabls that there is other pending Litigation which
will be relevant to this case and that attention to multiSistrict problems at the earliest possible date is warranted.
The aitficulty of virtually all forms of communications and transvoortation within the Trust Territory of the

combined with the geographic sprawl of

counsel and carzties will inevitably require special handling

Counsel for Plaintiffs believe it wise to identify
sariicular ozcblems at this stage in order that they can be
Zeali with at che First Pre-Trial Conference.

Among the


colems which ran be identified at this time are the

xili Island, where most of the Plaintiffs and

mamsers whom they represent now live is inaccessible
om four to six months each year because of winter surf

Select target paragraph3