

Plainzilzc Nathan Note is a citizen of the Trust

vritory of the Pacific Islands and a member of the Bikini


He holds the position of Scribe within our


he was born on Bikini Atoll,

in i313.

in the Marshall Islands,

He was residing at Ailinglaplap Atoll in the Marshall

+slands in 1946 when the members of the Bikini community present
an 3ikini Atoll were relocated from that atoll prior to the

peration Crossroads nuclear tests.

He is presently living

az laluit Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

Plaintiff Jukia Jakeo is a citizen of the Trust Territory

oi ine Pacific Islands and a member of the Bikini community.
“72S Sorn on Bikini Atoll, in the Marshall Islands.


He was a

Atoll in 1946 when all members of our

community present on Bikini Atoll were relocated therefrom prior
zo the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests.

He now resides on

fkini Island at Bikini Atoll.

Plaintiff Tomaki Juda is a citizen of the Trust

Territory of the Pacific Islands and a member of our community.
&2 was born on Bikini Atoll in 1940 and resident there until
sis relocation therefrom in 1946 prior to the Operation
crossroads nuclear tests.

He now lives on Kili Island in the

varenall Islands.

Plaintiff Jormea Leviticus is a citizen of the Trust

exzritory of the Pacific Islands and a member of our community.
Ye was born on 3ikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands in 1936

and resided there until his relocation therefrom in 1946 prior
zo the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests.

From late 1972

smtil Julv 1975, ne resided on Bikini Island in Bikini Atoll


farshall Islands.


He is now living on Najuro Atoll in

zne tlarshall Islands.

Select target paragraph3