U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Vora $120.2 Dit (11-79) - AOST OS ENERGY FIELD TASK PROPOSAL {AGREEMENT 3. REV. |4. PAOJECT NO. 2. TASK 7. IP BIN NUMBER NO. NO. 5. OATE PREPARE {mm dd yy} 3/3/80 FLY ASK TITLE is. CONTRACTOR NUMBER BL. WO Re PACKAGE TITLE Human Health Effects Marshallese Patients Medical Travel 9, fUODGETAND REPORTING CODES 10. TASK TEAM : 11. CONTRACTOR NAME End: dd y ) (m dd y ) om continuing ne HA 02-01-01 (c) , DE+ACO8-76NV00020/003402 13. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER (Name, FTS wo.) Holmes & Narver, Inc., PTD 14, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS Ww.. J. Stanley, Director, USDOE/PASO N/A FTS No. 556-0220 Ask for (808) 422-921] 15. WORK LOCATION (See Instruchons): Name of facility, City, State, ZIP Code Marshall 12. COOe (eew inatructions) , 16, Doss this task includ: any management services efforts? Islands - TTP! CJ yes RA NO 17. TASK DESCRIPTION (Approach, relation to work package, tn 200 words or (ess) See attached sheet. repository DOE - FoRRESTYA. couection (NICK EY FILE > BOX Ne. (i ok & 2-6 MAMASHALLESE 152 ADS rouen #2 CREerTS, ETc.) 13. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER (Sagnaturr) 19.OPAL ATTACHMENTS: (See inamucnons) (33. Facility Requrements Clb. P:blications Cie. berpese C3 d. Background Cle. Approach CO rf, Technical proves 10152 10 (Date [oO g. Future accomplishment (lh. Relationshizs to other projects Ci. Environmental surement (1j. Exptanaton of milestonss Cok. Other (specify):