yLesial FY 1982 BUDGET U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PACIFIC AREA SUPPORT OFFICE Holmes & Narver Inc. Divisj T Pacific acilic est Livisgian Ge FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT. Contractor PROGRAM HA Program HA (M Dollars) HA-~O2-01-01 FY 1980 FY 1981 §$ $ 30.0 30.0 FY 1982 $ 33.0 Marshallese Patients’ Medical Travel This task involves the supervision and disbursement of funds payable to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands under TTPI Public Law No. 7-116. Principal classes of reimbursable expenditure are: Field trip ship transportation and shipboard subsistence for qualified patients and escorts. Air transportation between Majuro and Ebeye. Payment of specified amounts for subsistence. Qualified patients include only restricted groups designated by the Brookhaven National Laboratories