"deception" but explicitly denounced pr posal» mine CS to ube vir. material:

to supply electric power -- the flea in which
sibly because they ignored the fac’ that duving
raw materials’ are converted intc expl:sive f
tute the basis for the production o° aton..c amc
on June 5, however,

it now claims priegt ess
this procese tne ro cvi Tees ‘atom
ssionable tnatertals whic? cons:
hydrogen weapons
+ fear

several Soviet con.mentaries attacking mono

competition from atomic industries anc discounting US progress

may have been intended to foreshadow tne announcemert
the quest for atomic industria!’ power



cris fleld

sauce ss a

OF Soo

Soviet propaganda, sugges s, therefeura, tnat Moscow s cr cern a’ the
end of May lest the US proceed un laterall, ‘© establish an atemic J atermils
poo] and blame the USSR for lack of co :peration was the mou ivati g tacte”
behind the power plant announcem: nz
“he modesty of the claim one plat
appears to be little more than a pi.o. ‘node. cupab'e of servicing « cot 91.5, 000
families) suggests that it is sufficient v near compietion OG warnan an nnoune:
ment. Conceivably, it 1s intendeg t ne a orotolype of atomic pow
lan s
ultimately to be incorporates intu
Nk, PE le
Moscowhas differed in its 1anil ng of ‘he power plant vino sicerient
for domestic and foreign audience
Whereas Sovie’ broaacasts ap: oa spoke

in glowing terms of changes ‘in oum enti: ¢ tecnnology and of an | smundarce
of energy" making ‘unnecessary hard pivs.cal work,’ articies Tor te Sacre’
people generally emphasized the exten’

‘f Soviet acnievenven’

the West in terms designed to fire enttu-iasir. without ~a.sing
an early improvement in living con iiu >
UN Disarmament Talks.

Yie tN D sarmian ent Sub-C

in restricted session in London frorr Ma
full Commission,


oo. cistancing


confirmed that there hau perenne shift on tne

trap nF


2. +c dune 22 cn insts act


sur. >

if tbe


armament in Soviet thinking since 93°
Tue Commussior beganir oui!
review the report of its Sub-Comm ttee .n preparation for submestir, os own

report to the UN General Assembly

in ne Sup-Cormmuttee the (SSR +e fuse:

seriously to discuss either a US working paper on tne powers an 7 netsons 97
an international contru: organ or a Brivisn-French tomprcomisé pan: oat invig
the stages ina disarmament program. ° ne USSR insistea, .ns'en



-y LHDIMG aaa JY Gaonduuadad

sing what it termed its “new’ disar-narie vo proposals .ontredace .


These proposals provided for the s:ignatu'e a Convention ime rp ora oe tam tas
appeals for banning the use, produc‘ion and storage of atomic weap rs, vetal -

lishing "control" (i.e. inspection mechan.sm,, reducing armanents +


third within a year of signature of a conv: nt.on, and banning a.r anc hava bases
on foreign territory as well as "war propagancva. Yhe attacks or 'S bbe bes ak
they relate to these issues in the Su ner rore of fulsy 24 inaimate ¢ 4 heey (ry
tinued to form the basis for the Sov: charge trait tne TS wanes t
relaxation of tension,





Select target paragraph3