In April 1975, Brookhaven National Laboratory initiated an external survey

of Bikini Atoll in order to obtain information concerning the ambient external
radiation levels resulting from the mid 1950's weapons testing program and to
make dose equivalent commitment determinations for the individuals living in the
surveyed area. From 1975 to 1977, measurements were made to provide sufficient
information on the external exposure received by the Marshallese people.

Most of the information concerning Bikini and Eneu Islands was obtained in
April 1975, when environmental ionization chamber measurements were made. In
addition, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) were placed in the field and exposed for six months at Bikini Island to verify the uniformity of the exposure.
Other groups assisted in these surveys. The team from Lawrence Livermore Labora~
tory (UCRL) made a detailed survey of Bikini and Eneu Islands in June 19754,9,

and they refer to the information presented in this report as BNL unpublished
data. In general, their results are substantiated by the exposure and dose
equivalent commitments calculated here.

The equipment used in 1975 consisted of a Reuter Stokes environmental
radiation monitor model RSS-111 and a Baird~-Atomic scintillation detector con-

sisting of a sodium iodide detector (2.5 cm in diameter by 3.9 cm in length)
connected to a ratemeter readout.

Portable survey meters were used to help

locate gross changes in the external exposure rate. Lithium fluoride
thermoluminescent dosimeters were left on Bikini Island and retrieved in
December 1975.

Environmental exposure levels were assessed via the RSS-111 and a Nal
gamma spectrometer whose purpose was to determine the photon energy distribution
and to compensate for the nonlinearity in the RSS-L1l instrument response.
This report presents all of the external exposure data collected to date

for Bikini Atoll by BNL.

These data have been used to make external exposure es-

timates for the people living on Bikini Island, and the BNL data have been com~

pared with UCRL data? for Bikini Atoll.



Ton Chamber Measurements

All environmental exposure rate measurements were obtained with a Reuter

Stokes environmental radiation monitor model RSS~111, which is designed to

measure environmental radiation as low as 100 UR/yr. The RSS-111 consists of a
spherical high pressure ion chamber filled with argon to a pressure of 25 atm.
Incident radiation produces ion pairs within the active volume of the
chamber which result in an ionization current. The current flow is measured by
an electrometer and is directly related to the free air ionization rate®.


The active volume of the stainless steel lonization chamber is known to

The ionization current produced in the chamber is a function of incident

radiation from an external field, cosmic-ray response, and contamination present

Select target paragraph3