The Honorable Yallace O.

July 25, 1980
Page Three



we were


that even

on August


there would not be available either a concensus executive
branch view on what this phrase in the law means or a draft
scope of work document upon which other representatives of
the Government of the Marshall Islands might comment.
AccorGinogly and recretfully, the Government of the
Marshall Islands is obliged to refrain from participating in
tne August 4 meeting or anv other meeting that may be misCharacterized as consultation unless and until we are given
some acvance opportunity to consider the views of the Department so that we can engace in meaningful ceonsultation.
know that your Department would not feel it had been given a
fair opportunity to comment on a significant document if the
first draft of the document were prevared only after meetincs
in which your Department participated and no opportunity was
Given to your Department to comment upon anv draft before it
became final and binding upon your Department.
The situation in recard to intergovernmental

consultation on health care planning for the innocent vic-

tims of the nuclear weapons testing program requires at
least the level of thought and care that goes into Interagency deliberation on matters of less sicnificance, anc I
am sure you will understand our disappointment and frustration.
Sincerely vours,

Anton A. deBrum
Secretary of Foreign Affairs


The Honorable Phillip Burton
The Honorabie Henry M. Jackson
Ambassador Peter R. Rosenblatt

Mr. Jeffrey Farrow

Richard D. Copaken, Esq.
Dr. Robert Loeffler

Select target paragraph3