the Bravo crater.

Off the southern tip is an isolated concret

instrument bunker.
The radiation levels on the island were about 15 wr/hr.
High tides must frequently wash across the island.
there is little retention of radioactive materials, but
traces are still found due to the close proximity of the
Samples of sand from the island and some bottom sediments

from the Bravo crater were taken for gamma spectral analysis.

The sand exhibited mostly °°co, **’cs, and **®sb activity.

f° Co appeared to be responsible for about 60% of the exposure
rate, **’Cs about 30% of the exposure rate, and +28 sb and
other elements the remainder.
The bottom sediment sample,
while containing all of the above isotopes, also contained

considerable *°’Bi activity.


The major contributor was again


Nam, the third largest island, is also located in the
northwest part of the atoll.
This island exhibited yet
another variation of the atoll topography, which caused each
island to seem markedly different in appearance.
Nam has
large open areas covered with fimbrisytlis and ipomea vines.
Messerschmidia trees, unsurrounded by thick underbrush, were
able to spread out and achieve large sizes.
A great number
of birds were nesting on the island.

Radiation levels were found to vary widely on Nam.


addition, special problems were presented by pieces of highly
active scrap metal scattered about the island.
One piece of
metal found half-buried near the center of the island
approached the activity of a typical laboratory §° Co
calibration source - ~500 ur/hr at 1 meter.
It is possible
that a large number of these metal artifacts are in the

soil of this island due to its close proximity to testing

A full set of radiation measurements was performed on
Ionization chamber measurements were made at four
widely separated locations with spectrometer measurements

wet eee


wow ee eee



Select target paragraph3