of young cordia trees,

and exhibited the highest levels

encountered on the O Transect.
recorded at Location 8 at

Much Lower

levels were

1400 ft.

The spectrometric results indicate that the predominant
radionuclide present in the soil on Bikini was *°’cs with
lesser amounts

of ®"co and *®®sb.

‘These were the main

contributors to the total exposure rate.

Of these three

*37es contributed 76 to 78% of the total exposure

rate and °°Co and ~**®sb were each responsible for about 10
to 12%.
Objects of scrap steel such as abandoned steel cable
reels often showed high °°Co contamination and this produced
a higher local total exposure rate.
In the analysis of the spectrometer data it has been
assumed that the radionuclides are distributed exponentially
in the soil with a 2 cm relaxation length.
This is consistent with the laboratory analysis of soil samples taken at
Locations 5 ard 7 and from the area of the clearing experiment.
Non-uniform distribution of the gamma emitters and
neglect of minor contributors is reflected in the small
discrepancies between the ionization chamber and spectrometer
total exposure rates given in the above table.
the general non-uniformity in fallout distribution throughout
this area, agreement between the two measurements is quite


For ali the locations, the values agree to within 10%.

Exposure rates were also calculated from the results of
the laboratory analysis of the soil samples taken at Locations
5 and 7.
These values are given below together with the
percentage of the total exposure due to each isotope.


Select target paragraph3