Chico ofthe Provident

March 28,



Congressman Phillip Burton
2304 Reyburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C.

Congressman Sidney R. Yates
2254 Rayburn House Office Bldg.


Washington, D.C.

Dear Congressmen Burton and Yates:

The people of the Marshall-Islands deeply appre-

ciate your efforts in securing passage of H.R. 3756 (Public
Law 96-205) which commits the Government of the United
States to provide to the people of each of the atolis
affected by the United States nuclear weapons testing program in the northern Marshali-Isliends during the period 1546

to 1958 "a program of medical care and treatment and envi-

ronmental monitoring for any injury, illness or condition
which may be the result directly or indirectly of such
nucleer weapons testing program".
Once in place, the pro-

grams to be provided will meet serious and pressing medical
needs of the people.


the experience which we have

had during the past year in our attempts to work with the

Department of Energy and the Department of Interior to iden-

tify probable radiation - related serious medical problems
affecting the people of atolls other than Bikini, Enewetak,

Rongelap and Utirik has led us to the belief that without
direct assistance from the Congress, the existing medical

problems cf the people of these other atolls will remain.
undetected and untreated and the purposes of H.R.

not be fulfilled.

3756 wiil

The events of the past year present an unfortunate
and stark example of the cruel slowness with which the De-


of Energy seems determined to proceed.

When the Government of the Marshall Islands assumed

office on May 1, 1979 and assumed responsibility for many of
the files of the Trust Territory Government, disturbing in-

formation was discovered in these files which indicated the

occurence of serious birth defects and other medical abnorMalities of a type often connected to radiation exposure

in people of atolls in the northern Marshall Islands which
had-been viewed by the United States as either uncontaminated

Select target paragraph3