Richland Operations Office—Selected Inactive Records Containing Enviroament, Safety and Health Iefermation: The attached records box inventories list importent documents pertaining to environmental, sefery, and health conditions on the Hanford site. They contain key information abethe environmental and health consequences of plutontum production. Their contents were crested ether mthe 1807 to 1971 period or during the 10806. The boxes and their highhehts are as follows: Box Mumber | Highheht i, TESSS1-113440 Collection ofEnvironmental Compliance Litigation Support Files 2. 29361 Contains ivformetion on the Thermal E@ects of Production Reactors 3. 13200 Contains safety information on Hanford groduction reactors 4. 3088 Comtaing salety evaluations ofthe NewProduction Reastor The box inventories may aot reflect the present condition of these records. Arranging for Access to Richland Operations Office-—Selected Imactive Records Containing Environment, Safery aud Health information: Access to unclassified portions of these materials can be arranged under provisions of the Freedom of Information Aci (FOIA) An POLA request may be subraitted, or additional mformation shout the records obtained, by contacting the POLAofficer of . Freedom of Information Act Officer, AP.7S CLS, Denertment of Baergy BG. Bow 340 Richland Ws 924% Phone: 500-376-8216. Some ofthe records on the atrached box inventories may heve previously been made available at the DOE reading room in Richland. ‘These records may be reviewed and duphcated at the reading room. There is a fee tor duplication. The reading roam can be reached at: DOE Public Reading Room 100 Sprout Road Richland, WA 893452 Phone: 309-376-8483 E-mail ReadingBoom@innhpov