


were set at four tower locations along a 60 m wide clearing from the windward
beach inland, spaced at 3, 26, 52, and 102 m from the high-tide waterline and
Elemental analysis on the remaining water was
at 1 m and 4 m above the ground.
obtained by inductively-coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy for?la, K,
Mg, Ca, and Zn and by a standard autoanalyzer (Technicon) for Cl.
The major particle collection system was an array of 14 staridard-filter,
high-volume air samplers (HV) and two cascade impactors both using Gelman type
AE glass fiber filters, . F1OW rates for HV were monitored at a pressure tap on
the fan; discharge was nominally 100 m3 h-l (60 cfm). The lapsed time of filter
by counting
operation was recorded for each HV and cascade
a crystal-controlled




a pressure




(CIP) were the 5-stage, jet-plate type (Model 65-000, Anderson Air
-Samplers 2000 Inc.). Three HV with the air inlets at 1.1 m above-ground were
located on a line from the windward beach inland at 5, 70, and 158 m from the
high-tide waterline;
the latter two were beneath a coconut grove canopy. One
HV was located to the lee of a road at the traffic study site, and ten HV and two
cascade impactors were placed in a square array nominally 10 m apart in the middle
Special chemistry methods
of a field (one hectare area) cleared by bulldozing.
(LFE Corporation) were employed on the filters to determine the concentration of
the stable elements Na, K, Ca, Mg, S and Cl, and the radioactive isotopes 238Pu,
and L41Am.
Filter blanks were used to correct the
stable elements. See map, Figure 1, for locations of instruments.


In addition to the HV, three non-standard ultra-high volume air samplers
(UHV) were used having air inlets at 1.5 m height.
Flow-rates, nominally
2550 m3 h-l (1500 cfm), were monitored both by a pitot tube pressure tap on the
fan discharge and by a modified anemometer transducer measuring total discharge
Filters were
in the fan outlet which is ducted 4 m downwind before discharge.
1 m2 area of special fiber-type (Microsorban N-98, Aerosol Filter Grade S, Delbag
One UHV was placed in the coconut grove 370 m from the windward
high-tide waterline, and two UHV were operated in the cleared field at the
downwind edge of the HV array.
The UHV provided the advantage of detection of
suspended radioactive aerosols at extremely low levels (e.g., worldwide background)
in a matter of a few hours run time. (Locations of UHV are shown on Figure 1).
Personal dosimeters (Model S, Monitaire, Mine Safety Appliances Co.) were used
to dete~mine exposure rates of individual persons to suspended particles.
personal dosimeters (PD) are small, belt-mounted pumps with a hose connection to
a cyclone particle discriminator and filter holder suspended by a chain worn around
the neck. Flow rates are 0.10 ms h-l (0.06 cfm) and filters were porous-type
membrane filters (37 mm diameter, 1 ~m pore diameter, Nuclepore Corporation).
It was found that blank membrane filters inexplicably gained weight with time but
that standard deviations within 10% of mass could be achieved where filter blanks
from the same lot were monitored for weight gains over the time period of the
The membrane filters were used as a substrate for a scanning electron
microscope (SEM) study of particle characteristics.
The SEM operated by-the
Particle Characterization Facility has a large chamber for
90 mm) and
has a resolution of 0.015 um. In the SEM tiiount,microprobe chemistry of individual
on the
filters was accomplished by X-ray f“uorescence
aerosol particles
with a resolution of 160 ev, which provided quantitation of particles containing
elements with atomic numbers equal or g}eater than sodium.


Select target paragraph3