
aeroso size, and total radioactivity per unit mass. Although necessary, these
parameters are insufficient to describe the fraction of suspended radioactivity
within the respirable size range and how either the concentration of radioactivity
or the respirable fraction vary with surface conditions and local resuspending
(dust-lifting) mechanisms.


Our investigations recently conducted on Bikini and Enewetak Atolls in the
Marshall Islands-provided new data which have implications not only for the local
dose assessment concerning rehabitation of those sites, but which are important
low-level inhalation exposure totoxic
radionuclides in general.




‘This study conducted on Bikini Island in May 1978 provided a more complete
set of data, following our preliminary studies on Engebi Island of Enewetak Atoll
in February 1977. The Bikini Island study utilized extensive soil sampling and
in situ gamma spectroscopy to determine isotope concentrations in soil and vegeGtm
Also various air sampling devices were used to determine particle size
distribution and mass loading, and micrometeorol ogical techniques were used to
determine aerosol fluxes. Subsequent wet chemistry analysis provided radionuclide
and elemental concentrations in collected aerosols.
Four simultaneous experiments
were conducted:
(1) a characterization of the normal (background) suspended
aerosols and the contributions from sea spray off the windward beach leeward across
the island, (2) a study of resuspension of radionuclides from a field purposely
laid bare by bulldozers as a worst-case condition, (3) a study of resuspension
of radioactive particles by vehicular and foot traffic, and (4) a study of personal
inhalation exposure using small dosimeters carried by volunteers during their
daily routines.
Less complete studies similar to (1) and (2) had been performed
previously on Engebi Island at Enewetak Atoll and background studies similar to
(1) were performed later on Eneu Island’at Bikini Atoll.
Soil and vegetation samples were collected for analysis of radionuclide
2S8PU, zsg+z40Pu, and 241Am concentrations were determined by
isotope dilution and alpha spectrometry and ‘oSr concentrations by yttrium-90
These analyses were performed by LFE Cor oration.
separation and beta counting.
Gamma spectroscopy using Ge(Li) diode detector was used to determine 13 Cs
Also, because the ratios (241Am)/(23g+2q0Pu) and (238Pu)/
(23g+240Pu~ are constant on Bikini, it was possible to estimate plutonium soil
concentrations by measurinq 241Am soil concentrations usinq a qamma spectroscopy
system consistin~ of a pla;ar, high-purity germanium diode-whi~h was cryogenically
cooled to achieve a minimum detectability for 241Am less than 1.0 pCi g-l (l).
The detector was mounted facing downward on a tripod so that the volume of soil
integrated was contained in a circle of probable detection of nominally 3 m radius
and 5 cm depth.
Because the nuclear events causing the original contamination of
Bikini Island were far removed, the fallout was relatively evenly dispersed across
the Island.
Impingers were used to collect
water trap similar to the method of
0.36 m3 h-l (6 1 rein-l) through the
added each day to replace evaporated


soluble sea spray aerosols in a 250 ml distilled
and Whelan (2)., Air flow rates were
water trap and measured amounts of water were
water (nominally 40 cm3 day-]).


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Select target paragraph3