
In response to a coment by Mr. Graham, General
said use of clean weapons for the Johnston Island
shots would
not provide the date needcd by the DOD,
At this point, Me. Strauss entered the meeting.
ur, Vance bricfly roviewed for Mr. Strauss the
that a letter be sent to the President reques
ting approval of
Project MILLRACE and an additional two shots
and one contingency
shot for Operation HARDTACK,

General Starbird repeated that if

MILIRACH were not approved, two additional shots
would be included
in HARDTACK in licu of MILIRACE,
In response to a comment by Mr. Graham on the importance
of the underground shot in MILLRACE, Mr. Strauss said he had
provided the President a copy of the GAC recommendation regarding
underground shots,

He observed, however, that the recommendation

does not now have unanimous GAC support.
The Commissioners requested that the letter to the President

be circulated for thelr revlew prior to dispatch and that DOD
concurrence in the proposal Also be obtained.
After discussion, the Commission:
Approved for transmittal to the President a letter
requesting approval of additional shots for Operation
HARDTACK as well as approval for Project HMILLRACE,
At this point, other members of the staff entered the

Select target paragraph3