
also noted the total fallout from these shots in relation to Mr,
Libby's calculations.

Mr. Floberg questioned whether the President would approve
the additional shots in view of his reported concern about the
number of weapons and amount of fallout when the HARDTACK program
was originally submitted for approval.

Mr. Vance commented that

in view of the present international climate with respect to
nuclear weapons tests, he did not believe the President would


question inclusion of additional shots since HARDTACK might be

the last test series.

General Starbird pointed out that the letter to the President
would also request his approval of Project MILLRACE tc be
conducted at the Nevada Test Site during the fall of 1956. However,
if MILIRACE were not to be approved, an additional shot and a
one-point detonation test shot would be requested for HARDTACK
in licu of MILIRACE,
Nr, Graham said an cffort should be made to obtain approval
of the underground shot,

However, in going to the President regard

ing additional shots for 4ARDE\CK, therc should be a final
answer on the tutal fission product that would be contributed to


the atmosphere by the shots alroady approved and now being
requested for HARDTACK,

Gencral Starbird said this total figure,

including a contingency shot, would be €.4 mevatons.


Select target paragraph3