Objectives: This series of proposals involves the exposure of

Biological material whose genetic response to conventional

forms of ionizing radiation and to atom bomb radiation is
It is hoped to extend and comploment carlicr studies
of mutations, mutations rates) ctc,

In the case of Neurospora,

reversal of mutations obtained at Bikini will be sought; and
additional chomiceal mutants will be looked fors The problem of
the high incidence of chlorotic kerngls in corn cxposed at
Bikini will be studicd furthers
Procedure: Most of these materials will be exposed also as
biological dosimeters; but also samples will be placed in the
very high dosage rangee Most of the matcrials will be returned
to the U, 8S. for further study. <spergillus and Neurespcra
will be cultured in the Island laboratory before the tests.
Responsible Agencies:
ima ond others


Sa, Department of agriculturc, and NME

Aspergillus terreus: Oak Ridge Notional Laboratory, and NME
Onk Ridge National Laboratory, and NMB
Neurospora ercssa:
Project 10:

Effect of Atom Bomb on Loeal Fauna an Flora

Responsible Agency: U. 5. Department of Arriculture, and NME
Objectives: to study the thermal and blast effects of atom

bomb blest on loerl faunon «... flora, te extend observations at

Bikini and Eniwotok.

Project 11:

Naturalists, qualified in a number of

birds, inscects, plants,

etc, may be avnilnable,

Dosimetry with Mineral Substances

Responsible Arency: National Military Establishment
To conduct further studies on certnin minerals:
Vikor glass, activated halides, ctc. which are affected by
lonizing radiation. Preliminary studies at the NMRI and at
Bikini suggest that these agents may be uscful, rugged,
integrating dosimeters for personnel, and other purposes.
Procedures Samples of these calibrated radiation-sonsitive
materinls will be placed in all animal containers; and at a
number of other stations where very precise physical menaire=
ment by other means are being made; and at stations where
high intensity is expected,

C= 4

2 A

Gonctical Effects of .itom Bomb Radiation

mm wh

Project 9:

Select target paragraph3