



500 ¢/m/S5en* fixed alpna,

By "fixed" alpha is meant that no change

in the alpha, cortanination level cer be observed by ewiping a 100cr°


(5Sen® ir the area of the normmcl "Pee Wee” prose.)

¢. e/m/Ssen* resovatle alphe,

The tolerance level for pe:sormel] contanination will be as follows.


7arfhr gana plus betu for outer clothing and snoes, 1 mr/hr gama

on sitin or perscna: cictning.

Personne] decontatination will b»

performed wiun tnese levels are exceeces


The tolerance leve: for equipment renoved fron contaminatad areas will bv

as fcllews:



7 mr/hr gannsonly.
5m” o/n/55en* fixec alpha.

Decontenination will be performed in the

field with purtable de. ontarinatior ecuipaent orior to return to tre
main desontz:inaticn station if the leve) oxceeds 5,090 o/m/sSem?.

In tne ever. tna! reasonable detonta ination procedures camot reduce
contaninatior seveis beice: those levels listed above, CTis will issue
appropriate insvructiony.

ALL poersonra] will be issued fily beises an charge-a-plases on arr.val
at EPG. The fib. dacge will ve wern at all tires. In adiition, baiges
will be exthange: efter eazh entry jiucto & contazinsted atua (excedtions
to this will be made tn the case of contiming access pernits. See
Oelow).. Los! baviges enoule be reporcec ivmediatelvy to TA
On return
to hous station badges wil} be turne. in as part of the £°G eneck on:


TU-6 will proces: film cadsee end subtit dceaug: resorda to Task Uni.
Comnanaere on @ daily basis. In add.tion,
spacial rerorts will be assuod
on all persomel reatiing 2 exceeding the € 9 roentgen eiuLative dose

total, Dosave infor:2vien nay b+: a&tainea informally at uny time br
calling the photo-cosimetry souticn «. tne TU-6 Rad-Safe Center.
Entry into Conta~inated Areas.



Radex (radiological exclusion) areas are defined es follove:

Poll Radex Area:

Contsninatior. ievel of 100 ar/nr or higher.


Linited Redex Araa:


Non Radex Area:

Centaination level of 16 mrfhr but less they

Contaiination level less tnan 10 arAv.

Entry into a full redex ares will req.ire full protactive clotaing. In
addition, a qualified monitor mug. mcompany eny party entering & full
radex area. Entry into 2 Jinite? racex area will requare such protective
clotning and monitoring Support es ie aeses5 necessary t: tin piotting
and Orftefing section, TJ-*

bose ee!rn
“wads! i nes

SRN tay
Nee! er PY

Select target paragraph3