
acirce strength, and location (by ouilding) is :-qiirec. Tnta inforintion 4s desires
primarily for tne orctection ef th: fire depari-cnt in the event of fire,

EE. No corvtaninated meterla will o2 rancve: froi tne Els witrou: the prio:
approval of CTG 7.2. ALL: uch materiale or ezuiaptant wide) are & be removed till

be monitored, pachagec, labeled an: loaded sc a> to satisfy pert:.nen\. regulaticns

coneerr.irg shipmern. cf radicative naterdale,

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Jel) personne] in cotermining the packaging res icenéents.

«watt Unit. Commanders ase respoasibie fo orevidin Ch -5 with lists of

Qualifiel renitare within thtir wa. ke Uaits- Civ 6 whit arcist tle Tiss Unit
Commanae:s in quaisfying perscn.z2 If so desire.


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