Dre Pentagon official geld dorthe indie! eke have sucvived verprespits of 51,00) pounds per bauare Bich (psi), cotnpared with mdi} cofpsetcle) buildings, which o0 uit er B pel. The Air Forse Believes t it is posethh to build ime. a: durable as current gle 60 Sma ii Pied using concrete saute Btet), vary) and custioning digdddh The NA and the Air Force Pina test. hat bypothesis in 1986. Vist : The ides, es usual, istorathbe life . ore A:fficult for the Sovleta. Some eniagor, etrategite bellevd "that once would have to uve thitssive arheads in the 10- to 2(-megaton Bureor develup 9 warhead that can urron Its way underground before iletonating. toa e as F Added one officer: It’gf tal inresting technic) lecue how hat s to be eR Paih 25 - = ~ PY é3 LUPS bry 70ES. FS Atty § 60