Tbe hades TRAChehr FS8 teat * POEs Miller acknowledged that ” ¢ teet bombe have grown smaller _ - Gameter, Kpeven, t Rehings hyte be big in the of ther the ‘oils, te We iae ple who eork in th: Some out to work here. tt borsth thes 'ynind howby, our holes “arc,” DOE hemceami Miller sald. , . The bls:boar non!thored ii h @ ton ro center perched ip ¢€ woutrtain ; nddie overlooking the feta. A plant ° eleAsics. screen, surrounded by 18, Fraser ecruene, shows thebax a,i “laces have grown. more acc eerobitting the mi for. the op and '60s N BD, ae aelveryidysterss, puch ds * tha Bubsonic cruise miseile, need hare as gomnpact and light a i af le 2 *Whyuse 6sledgehammer when & eck harmmer will do What you need do?” Miller added. “It's always - n & penetal goa! of weapons development to make them lighter In: tom . gweight and cheaper. . dine|is‘bigger bang for the buck”. } duet in case the Soviets declde to + violate the 21-year-old moratorium | “on atmospheric testing, the Defense - nducted within twoweeksofFgRo = Saat theRey 2h SAS BsEaee 5 Aid. - im “ge . Some peientiate panes {p ing for anessi ioe ae ; peatdais ai mea cements pstist} eis ‘fratriments, Bocaune 2Geonations torkers bveritusity aril; Byer b Ftudlear eNfecte dipdifficiilt to ¥ tyundergroundor ma, Paiouély ae me Chin Bee on ax alove ezpone designedto generate Xrey6 ot“gther special.étiecte het. gould poe enamy missiles, oi 7-5 354et i yoy o%develop a test ded Lich is dieller dnd more easily uti-?~ ea, foer“Mou can increase the as of es‘You cat conduct and : that ci$ Biaa 8be purvive thr blasts oe 8 * ¢8ck aac would be futle..rr mmiealles were Infact in F Ne “goncrete cocoons, the Birelensie “atyst the Tranitele for oligr§ FGeudier. “F think, i this admin reg Sion pertialally, thetrend fore: |Aabtedeyots s "Theatre they wouldbe2ae meee Yheailos, which need fe - the milssiles can be oN tying horizontally In fhe pissy . anahy 8 Soviet ee mt t changed ‘ik: dy, according to deferes 0 cal Re... pearch under way Pill ghape! se ‘base the MX and its proposell wu:_ Age “We had been overeetimnating the 2 of the craters,” one officer gold, f‘Moet of the cratering snalyde’ was Pdone from teste that hed beef dese pi the South Pacific feeapiet fr wet, saturated en aa‘odelng fee: Pe sed esta! nded to indicate ths’ oll the eraters wotlcPee be as ‘fta igmieter {rewphls tremér m ke of reitbuiet nt Hes the DNA‘s int Hbitincay a srt: : The povernnient deb! ) ree d abdsey ce ) 3 mode! ‘ilo havepen Be . , “2 % { Ty Fone-cighth ecale Anything eae Fbecomes astronomilcally . expensty. * because ‘concrete telnfarcing |shard Finust be machinetooiel Some fi iD test hee called i Jadehad * pwlowed stientists fo: the firsttime to a aare motionsate strbseesTn 7 dial othenie ht we,MiSe we Atovalidate many aapects cut che: riering prediction a oil be *; Hollowed in tacat | fthe models copy US. tlc’ dedigns, others ynimi>, Soviet designs ¢ PCIAand Defense Intelljgente Agenbey information, .<.»- 2-, High explosives are ono ovey the allo and thes are cove with to Mo, 20 feet of dist. The contained ek. plosion closdly slinclatee the'tremeh$ pressures generated in b nuck- » dtoition, entagonOficials’ be- fa 4 4. , ALT antl gtvelbomg ,dao US, wd Set Tins Btu, ottoe ue. ieet ae wksbehee. Wa sleo.bese’ upg| “So Develop third vet ; b. x Dutlea!sterbents." osBae an ached, rae ¢ Lhe cost of thomi date”aid ies M. aete ma ‘es Most “are“either“hequarter “be Tireghiras ‘bo:nd In joss. the cwrest teers are being used to * -Bevcop “chird-genemtion” sudlear Keairys Nucleer Peonditions, ground warheads larger,Whar: $50 ki- . ebytona, toognly 10 times the power of experis ere convinced that mEny of . Gs tested underGiterent geclorice: both sides from,‘eplodug “‘under- % Ut ie hevcved that wazheadsJarger Guar the: are tested in pieces, Bome | sh riley wold at bee [ CRBB0P, the Midgetman et blast Lokam i E assumed that eve ie uth Pacific, which once was @ test tte The mothballed factlitien armed bove-ground tes could have been ES he bottor: nf the bla: chazabep for ” > pamples that offer clues %“the ~Bombe efticienty. 0 ace 1074, Weahiagton,ma Meccan “bnigred a treaty thei. although unra; spot by the U.S. Sonate, has kept anes “bions about where,if anywhoré, to te be in such readiness that e major. Q datethe.“pdidle��� of molten fuck at om epartment has kept up appeer- ances at Johnston Leland in the“ tbat re? stin sexsots. Bher the tg,Pelaa it ) not goom impor cal pa btpeewk 1aie eo