The weapons laboratories’ backyard workshop in Nevada has

permitted tests to be set up quickly and to be conducted more
frequently than would have been possible in the Pacific. It

has resulted in major savings in time for weapons development,

the most important factor, and in utilization of scientific and

technical manpower, and in money.



The following are brief summaries of the value of the Nevada

Test Site to the three major typés of participants:

AEC Weapons Laboratories.
"The value of a continental
site is quickly proved by examination of the test schedules,
the significant value of each test, and an appreciation of

the virtual impossibility of carrying out all these schedules

at these rates at an extracontinental site. Continued continental, full-scale testing is necessary to ensure an acceptable rate of advancement."
The Armed Forces.
"Certain military effects experiments
can only be conducted in the Pacific, and certain experiments
to be meaningful can only be conducted on land masses typical
of continents. For those experiments which can be conducted
either in the Pacific or in Nevada, they can be conducted in
Nevada more quickly, more easily, more accurately, and with
economy of men, materiel, and dollars. Military assistance
to the AEC in Nevada is less and much more easily provided.
In the opinion of Department of Army, Nevada provides valuable
troop indoctrination to large numbers of troops. Nevada provides a degree of operating flexibility not available in the

Pacific, this affording major advantages to DOD in economy,

wider participation by military commands, and ease of
execution and support."

Civilian Program,
"For reasons of economy, convenience,
and real estate the non-military Federal agencies can best

accomplish their investigations in structural and functional
design, materials and equipment, and biological effects at a
continental test site. The FCDA has attested many times to
the value of its test and demonstration programs in Nevada

in stimulating public interest in national civil defense

planning. FCDA considers it most important to carry out biomedical experiments, public demonstrations, structure and
equipment testing, and training programs."

Why an Overseas Site Is Also Essential

Since larger yield weapons and devices may not be fired within the United States with the requisite degree of safety, continued
use of the more isolated Pacific area is essential.


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