DOCUMENT SOURCE Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Archives and Records Office Records Saries Title ‘ a } AT Rory ng DY PS ee taal Pos eceasion No. File Code No. a Carton No, pe Folder No. Hotes i CEN bie BovEes ERE Found By ANA: |ahilet. Dates KGS: é t-stersed,—and this heging my real acientific career. I took a course fn physiclogy, and if I could devote all the Tus time that was necessary that a student would devote, I did very well, exceedingly well. | SSH: Who taught the course, do you remember? KGS: Well, ean Cook§/whose name fs scattered all through Lpowts + reprints7 these. A i ett. a lt Le LEZ Live seen i? SSH: Was it the intoductory physiology course? A KGS; Yes. Cinawe had oe ode ian there and a fellow. I've lost track off’by the name of SimpsongyFhey vere “instructors in . a the departmen tay and Peea? Milton Rose, Oo Re later took up psychiaaryend I ran into him quite a few times when I was giving courses on nuclear medicine. These people were all instructors at that stage? Yes. They used to play with each other, sending fake emergency calle vite thenin the middle of the night, and getting them out and 80 forth, We% Its, quite a nice place. This was at the old spreckble putléingay sitet? seve guess it's the art department on the campus. Taexe was a beautiful redwood building, probably designed by Maybeck. (Ang 4t housed the ; Jaboratory, which ts very close to the Men's Faculty Club. (an 1 wasn't aware of its existence ‘til much,much later, (but that's where I came from. = SSE: What was-it about the course, -de-xou that caught your attention? KGS: Gause) Well, it was very stimulating intellectually to me. And the place