Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Archives and Records Office

File Cade No.

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apace to keep a dog, help him out with a few counts

now and then.

He's now, I

guess, director of the cardio-

el oe

vascular yesearch‘aadthere was another fellow by the name
of Don BikeAGwho was interested in monkeys and he was
breeding monkeys.




And it was rather rare in those days

to successfully breed monkeys and raise the of fspring¥.<f
Haat nyt
start'a colonya G57he was just like breeding a monster,
His demands for space got greater and greater and we were

shrinking and shrinking and he finally went to the University

of Portlandfwith his colony

and all.


was the kind of person that had trouble dealing with


He couldn't share anything.

So they finally

threw him out up there in some big political push.


Picker ns

that was the end of Donald Biekesy,


The center, then, wag set up to provide research space,


What I did for all of those people was perfectly logical
and normal in our

ppc tins


We were there to

help anybody that had a problem that we could help.
find’they would come to the @enter to do their research,
and you would supply the radioisotopes.

They'd come to me and I'd have a discussion with them
and decide if what they wanted to do was appropriate
or not, or if we could fix it so it would be appropriate.

Cs could loan them equipment or I could loan them
facilities, I had a technicianfyand kind of a physicist
as part of my staff. (Ane we would hand-feed them along


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