Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

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from Donner Lab and Crocker Lab, t-meawdtd you have

control over The eereeney campus foe

No, what they did@Berkeley was finally none of my

business, and [I didn't want it.

I didn’t want to have

anything to do with it, really.

Do you know anything about how those decidions were made?
Was there another committee somewhere hat—was.<)?


Well, there was a state committee that was for the Northern
Californiaw branch of the University of California, and
I was chairman of that for quite a few years,


Would’ that have made case by case decisions as well?



I was responsible for letting one of my friends,

Perry Stout vp on the Davis campus, bury. 215 millicuries
of radioactive zinc around an apricot tree or something.

The University found out about that later and they had
convulsions, practically.


didn't think the experiment

was all that muctysy it was et there by itself in a field.

And I had a very opinion of “Perry(edowd” GY be was
an excellent man.

He knew more about colloid chemistry

than anyone I'd ever met.

Qnunfortunately he died

just ayhile ago, poor guy.

The University wag concerned because of the radiation hazard?


Their riskin might-begetting sued (Corexposure by
somebodyYOr something like that.

You don't know anything then about the problems that the
medicalphysicists on the Berkeley campus may have had in

regard to human experimentation?

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