DOCUMENT SOURCE Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Archives and Records Office Records Series Tille ee Accession Nea File Code No. JO =j4 Carton No. ; 9 oh cee a ee der No. bE METH sti— “The Te Found By ANDY AWisNiee Dates Y ; é& ot SSE: But you originally had the idea of going into business. Kes: Yes, I dfd. SSH: Why business rather than 4 pre-med course? KGS: Well, most of the people that I admired se salen and people of that sort, that came by with bakey suitcases worth of samples and etut, stimulated me inta poueineas ware (ab T took extra courses in mathematics at‘high school” det _ kind of a fifth year student. a Mr. sudvcer. Our principal there was Andphe school board was down on him, and as students we held a march and an uprising against an old lady who was the head of the schoolboard,a-d putihs komesi on that. Can?’ when I did go to Cal he was very careful about my grades® he gave me excellent gradegy I think he even changed F} nal - > 2 e wat grade I got. Well,was it unusual to send a student, a graduate from Duns ber, to Berkeley in those days? It was Tather, ye. oot e So you were sort of a prize student. ae snes KGS: Well, not really. (SSH laughs) I was lousy in everything, in Boglish,ehoPe had a lot of unusual teachers -xt« chere:: But‘Fou were good in math. mo wass faitly,good inLaniadvanced algebra. Well, rr of you were a0> Bad, as you eay, in alls the other subjects, welt,itx encouraging you to go to ae it oat