DOCUMENT SOURCE Lawrenca Berkaley Laboratory Archives and Records Office Records Series Title 3 Fila Code No. Carton No, B Wer Folder No. a grt Pea ec DToriA ate Note TEN — CY Found By MuieNipe. NE Dates teder-snher: ted? “ She tedmhres, part -of her mother's fortune, which came around in the Depression. Gn¥Yshe was Back inte beauty school, but = she gradually frittered away everything. Gyr left home at that point; I was going to school at U.Cc. Berkeley. Ang I oc we should mention that all of my undevgradvate school and high school was done at Dungmeyir California, which was a big Craw] railroad. A SSH: By that time had your mother and father split permanently? KGS: They never did, except periodically. SSH: (Laughs) . So your father was always around to support the family ~ KGS: Well, you could call it that, He was quite a drinker, and he would disappear with all of the money that he had and stay away "ttl tt was gone. mS SSH: thatDrake it pretty rough on your growing up years? KGS: , ‘yell, they were very limited as to what we could get. answer to that was to go get a succeseion of jobs. ‘angmy wen > ag you may know, is near Shasta Springs. aad 1 first got summertime money by establishing a vegetable route. E'd go around and get orders for fresh vegetabless/and then deliver them hESS Beal Me . Cuaughter) hears I raised a lot of rabbitsp‘and I would sell then from door to door and take orders in advance and ‘then go prepare them. SSH: I liked thatgy‘and I liked animals. | Were youbeginning to be interested in sctence in high school? Not reallyy I was so busy working in high school that I didn’t KGS: . ever. get to take a lot of courses. I took the required mathematics. waen "t much of a school we had in Qvasmur, it was a. ‘school. district. community But I learned the mos tgy’and got the most .out ‘of people when I was employed by one of the local