Ul Lie mdrstdti Loid@has program py tr 1S not a Vdlia@ DasSi1S TOF transTer of the program to DP. Further, we are concerned that claims of poor management will unfairly reflect upon the performance of Dr. Bruce Wachholz, who was given responsibility for the program by Mrs. Clusen in 1979. The group of scientists first met in April 1978 to provide advice on the Marshall Islands projects; none of the scientists came from an institution that had projects in the Marshall Islands. It quickly became apparent to us that Headquarters' management of the projects was inadequate. There was no identifiable coherent program; each project seemed to be independent of all others. There was lack of coordination--interaction and communications between projects performed by different laboratories were sporadic. Investigators met with Marshallese officials without Headquarters’ knowledge; this often led to . implied commitments. Overall priorities were not identified; goals and objectives were not clear; identification of milestones and to them were lacking. commitments The scientists brought these problems to Mrs. Clusen's attention in late 1978 and recommended that a manager be appointed to direct the program from the Office of the Assistant Secretary. The program manager would serve also as chairman of a task group composed of appropriate staff from the DOE Headquarters divisions funding the projects and from the Nevada Operations Office, which was responsible for the Radiological Support Project. We suggested that Mr. Hal Hollister, who already reported to Mrs. Clusen as a technical advisor, was the logical person to manage the program. However, recognizing that his time was fully committed to other responsibilities, we recommended that Dr. Wachholz be appointed. Dr. James Liverman, Mrs. Clusen's predecessor, also brought the management issue to her attention and recommended Dr. Wachholz to manage the program for the Assistant Secretary. On April 27, 1979 Mrs. Clusen asked Dr. Wachholz to "assume responsibility for overall planning, integration and implementation of EV programs in the Marshall Istands and Palomares."