Pathway Analyses
The contribution from the inhala~

in the air than expected from worldwide fallout and more than encountered
in New York City during comparable

tion pathway to plutonium concentra-


tion in urine, especially at Bikini,

resuspension does significantly

is very hard to quantify.

contribute to inhalation’ of plutonium

In addi-

tion to the different activity levels

These data indicate that

at Bikini.

We will show in a follow-

from fallout in the air at Bikini and

ing section that resuspension might

New. York, reSuspension processes that

also contribute to elevated plutonium

contribute airborne plutonium at New

levels in the ingestion pathway at

York and Bikini are very difficult


to assess.


it is


Comparable data on plutonium con-

important to assess these processes

centrations in the air exist only for

in estimating the cumulative exposure

the periods of May 29 to June 2,

to plutonium from inhalation.

1970,° and May 1972.?

Bennett? has recently concluded that

sampling period,

plutonium from resuspended fallout

During the 1970

239,240 Pu

levels in

.surface air were determined at five

at New York presently contributes

locations on Bikini Island and ranged

0.3% and will ultimately contribute

from 60 to 540 aci/m>.°

intake equal to 0.5% of the intake

cencentration at four sites on the

that occurs during the original

island of Eneu (in Bikini Atoll) was

deposition of the fallout debris.

only 40 aCi/m> during a comparable

Data of one of the authors * show that

period. °

the soil plutonium levels on Bikini

function of latitude are the average

Island are, on the average, higher

plutonium concentrations at ground

than plutonium levels from fallout

level at air sampling stations of the

deposited in the United States.”

HASL sampling network,

Visual observations indicate that

The mean air

Plotted in Fig. l as a

June 1970.8

taken during

The concentration-—

the formation of dust clouds or the

latitude profile is simply a con-

resuspension of surface materials by

tinuous curve drawn through the

people or vehicles at Bikini is

availabie data points.

slight, even during very long dry

However, the available

From this curve, the average
fallout-plutonium concentration

aerosol data show that some locations

expected in ground-level air at the

on Bikini Island have more plutonium

latitude of Bikini Island (11°, 37'


Select target paragraph3