samples from Bikini Island showed the
average concentration of

various pathways does not lead

to be 0.007 pCi/liter.?

centrations in body tissues or ex-

directly to abolute plutonium con-

In 1971, the

average concentration of 239,240,

cretions, it does show that a Bikini

in three urine samples from Bikini

population is exposed to higher plu-

was 0.004 pCi/liter.

tonium levels through dietary and

But in 1974 the

average in ten samples was a much

inhalation pathways than a New York

higher 0.013 pCi/liter.*


{No errors

are attached to these concentrations reported in Ref.


We acknowledge that the excretion

The average

rates of plutonium and the quantities

concentration for any year was ob-

excreted may differ significantly,

tained by multiplying the plutonium

depending on routes of entry into the

concentration of each sample by its

body, and that the assessment of these

volume, summing these products, and

rates and quantities is further com-

dividing by the total volume.)

plicated by dissimilar physio-chemical


1975 the average 239,240), concentra—

forms of plutonium in the environment.

tion in a pooled 9-lLiter urine sample

We suggest that different concentra-.

from Bikini was reported as 0.011 pCi/

tions of plutonium in corresponding


pathways of New York and Bikini can

This concentration is similar

to the value found in 1974 but is ten

account for the difference between

times higher than the concentration

urinary levels presently found in the

of 0.001 pCi/liter reported for a

two populations.

1975 representative population sample

mated intakes of plutonium at both

from New York.”

New York and Bikini should give con-

However, the esti-

centrations in urine very different

Because of the toxicity of plutonium and the belief that urine con-

than those reported to us.”


centrations directly indicate pluto-

discrepancy suggests several inter-

nium burdens in the body, the 1970-75


increase of plutonium in Bikini urine

If the concentrations found in

samples and the much higher plutonium

pathways relate directly to the con-

urine levels in Bikini samples, com-

centrations excreted, then the pluto-


nium in Bikinians' urine will in-

to New York samples,

are cause

crease with time and will differ

for concern.

even more from concurrent New York

The purpose of this report is to
compare data on Bikini and New York

samples as the Bikinians rely in-

plutonium pathways to man.

creasingly on dietary components, from


comparing the intake of plutonium via

their atoll.

WH 5010222

Select target paragraph3