b. toring thts pertov o.ieesc
final reports were raviewed by the Tacshin! «. Fati.z, classified,
croesseed and Porvwarded to the Techairal o.tovawtion “ervise,

tanis Rnermy Comission, Oak Uidge, Tonnessen

printin, and dtatribution.

TiSGE), fer

Classifisacioa raviaw cf thease reports

was handled throuch the Test Classitication Jfiice, Lish.+ Tra
distribution wae ande in acoordense with is‘cristion reseivad
frum Reacquarters, AsSwP,

Preliminary reports «ere required of all

projests rarticipating im Operation CASTL?,

fheir sentent sus~

sisted of an abstract, objectives, experiment design, resulte aid
obssrvations, diususgsion, conélusions acd ‘or reccamenlations,**

The ailitary effects re -erts for Cperation


Approxisstely one month after completion of

GASILE were handled by the Keporte Branch, O¢FT. ++

Operation CASTLE, the srelicinary reports (54 in number) had tven
edited (most of this was dome at the Facts Proving Grounds),
claswified, wroseseed and forwardad to tie PISCR for orinting
ond Adateibutios.

Cissetifleation was made by the Clisosification

[fliewr, dtmF. Distribution was determined by ‘he Repurts c.inah,
Jscuquartere, AFIWP, granted Meld Command the authority to act
as coviewiue ert cor the CASTLE prelimi-ary re erte.***+ Tals
jnoluded the determination of the distrituticn as wall ag *iea

rub lishinzgs

* ing ceder vo, t-63 Ci-%) annex “-"echaical af Selemi4t le "ecomts

+# Lotter, “iq, 20915, Steld Comannd, AFSVO> 2 ject "oryllatrery
lenoets, Opevation CASTLE," fated 1@ tsp .f SES,
«: Annes EB, Teehnical Reports to Pl 7.2, 203.
ustckher 1933, po E-l - £«%,
esee THE from Cnief, ANSWP, SFU 32290,



“en, cataud 75

dotad |. ‘lay 750,

Select target paragraph3