Se cate tn Ucoe@bior A878, atter
diescsion with the creject peracmmel @cd ca@k ‘ivsup 7.4, 1% 4
caotded tha: @ coutrect shouldbe lat to the sastlag. tnstrasnt

Garpaay for tre inetallation and operation of Reydiss povltducing
syui got.

thio equipment appgearad to bo extciwsely aurple in casier

aunt speration and would ancarentiy orgride |e Tsaired aseuraoy in
positioning “hs effsote B-36 and Bea?. Tre sovtract crewided lar

the rentei of the necessary oculpmert plus the serviass of fsur

Raydist toshnieiane to aasiet im the inataltation ani operation
of the equiosent in the forward area.

The equinaens was assmubied

hastily during camary and shipped to the Sorward aisa, erseiving
enpproximately 1 Pebruary., Gustrous difficultios arose in conmestion
with the iartallabian of ¢he various eleatrocia uniis at Pikini.
Most of thesa diffloulties could be trace! to icauffielert preperas
teay work pris’ ve the movement overseas, Comes unity were faulty,
ethers were tnoorplete and all of the equipment wag highly eusceptible te corrosion, Coerations in the forward area were har: ored
ouns:derably by lack ef proper security clearances for the Faydiist
te0hnicians. It vas usocasuary to provide an sacort fer these indi~
vidwals anc this restricted thair movements, which resulted in ine

adejuate aitention to the equipment durice che installation ceria.
fertunstely, it was possible to install ths saster control station
aceard the USS Curtiss where a military Seoret clearaioce wus gif ft.
siem. Alisa, it was pcesitle to install one of the traasmittor
Siationa on Bikini Yeland where no special saour'ty clacrance as
eequired. The cooperation of the Camanding Officer of +1e VES

Curties was renponsible to a lerge degree for the gusvesstul onsta-

tion of She imyciat equipment. After the thire ahot, thy povetbllity
of severe danage to the Paydist @etations baosuse o. mays cation,

plus tos fact wats two of the remeining four sits core scheduled
te be fired at iniwetak, rogulted {nu @ desigiur ts move tha Mayatet
aquipsmrnt from Bikini to Pntwstoxk, vais was actoeolicised exneditioualy and the equipment was eet up ucdor ius mera fay ura’ le

conditions at Enlwetok since it was cogglcls vo ma ual.y syurate
all tit ove of tw atetiong, «t Piripi alt os mehoot axeeps tne
waster atation nad to be operated remee.y. Onforcirarsly, oro ff
ite tuo shots sohaduled Cor Gninetoy wag carve L2d atecr tla wgul y=
went had team moved, humever, ese teak cegelis wut Sitabicd on
tow Ceat snot in the @esles wniah wa Vier at bcs eke

Bese Ao erty etdog, ona as
thor aquicoea wits an sutompcie wash dawo evater, rerticiuated in


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