
Prograa ~

2 ccoprem origiually

conpisted uf three individual projests on 2c t.cn2xte determine
Lhe loved cm an idealised cubical struct.:e; we to chtain the diwensions of the oraters forned by sevars) «f the anate; and tie

third to detwutne the effects of blast nc macural tree stand,

Late {a Jacuary, Project §,4, a Heavy project, 2a¢ set up vo detaye
wing the effects of high yield exploaionn om 1 pleated sea mine
field, After the Piret shot, Project G. was tritinted by Task
Veit 13 te doousent the unexpested camages witch oseurred to various
otructeres ag a vesult of the sot, Yo significant operational
prablems rosulzed from the conduct of thers crefeota, The orater
awvey wae performed by means of a specialiy ecitoped small lenJ-~

ing oraf (160) utilising « conven$iogs! ship's fathometer,


tioning of the LOU was accouplished by neacs cf Saydist equipscnt
which had been torrewed by the oroject crovo ror this operation.
Tate equirwent did cause considerable difficulty, hovevar, the
difficulty could de traced directly to tes fast thst the equipment
was borrowed: hed teen extensively modified; and was baing operated
by sorsonnel who were wet thoroughly feniliar vith it. Tortumtely,
the Onydiet teehnicians who were in the (arwerd aica to operate
aimilar equijment for positioning the affects alreraft were able
to assist in setting up the equipment, checking &t out acu elininating zcne of the operational difficulties. It ia interesting to nose
that wits the addition of the mine field orejeou, three support
uipe, a lestreyer mine aweaper (Ou), « salvage and reseue tug (420)

and a lan’ing ship teak (157) wero Laedtately -ade avwatiabdla by

the Zavy, ‘This would seam to infioeve that hed the Task burce cam
‘aestod alequave Nawal eupport during the clarring phasea of ths
qoeration, ausfietent wappert covld ‘ave bo: ade avallable fer
211 nrajects.


Promvan ©,

Tvogrem 4 “ag agtub«

lished alter the firat shot tn order .o cccuwsnt euch infermation
as could De obtained as & ragult of tue mereote i exuctwre of 4
iarge isenbar of Warstallese natives, Cho proccam oversie! at
“we Jalaio from ehortly adter clot lant... so coaimae ly 4 aay.

A group oi sedical peraonnel unter the firect’?.u of GTR Croanvite
of che evel Eedioal Rergserch Institute moved lrou tha of to

bwadalets vhere the svacusea had Sewn cakon ‘or medicai ore ard
trectment. The caly cneratiocral attic itics experie.ced in sonnection #°¢h thia -rocram were those ow... acu aaually experianced

hen @ “oss viojest tf set up and out Site 4n uperation om sxtreaely



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