

Sore of the Gevistions fron the original esensdulc wie ahould be
noted ere as foliows:

Qos shot gave a yield
tne predicted.
as ahs gave a yield
the predictec,
Gre shot for which extensive instrumantatic:. had been prepared
wes cancelled ac¢ mo other shot was fired et the loosticn.
Haximus woriation between ths crigira: planned shot dates and

actual shot cates ranged fron 15 days earl: to 45 days late,

Warrative Asoount of Shots



a. The firat shot was dotcnated
en seneduie on Fam: Island at 06€5, 1 Moroh 1954. The wind pattern

et shot time was such thet the fall oct was very heavy on most of
the faleand of the atoll, Typical readings et E/5 houre ware a3


Foz 2£02 (ostimted fren acrisl curvsy}

Kan 50-468 (mcasured on ground)
Tera 2ER (estimated fro: aerial survey)
&. The firine party had reaalired
in toe bunker on Jen during the ahet anc tosrefore it was necesstry
to maintain a capability for cusrgeccy evacuation of tusse people.
This requires several cf the Jaek Feroe scips te remain close exrarh
to den foe that wolec radio csmiurication coul¢ be maintained er3
helicopter [lights csuld be dispatohsc if neceseary, The positions
ef tiese ehipe ware auch thet several reostved rathor heevy £811
out and althocgh the exposures receive! b; individuals aboard the
enirs were, for the sest part, woll within the tolerancs limits,
eovaral project personnel received a eimiMcant proporticn ef
thelr allerable exposure. Much waluctle experience wes pained by
the ra@-safe personcel of these ships. It ia interesting to neto
that tte two drones liberty ships (YAGs) of Project 6.4, which were
attempting tc aut into a fall out erea, cam ont of this shet with
little cr no euntariration. The lore range fall out resulted ir
tw evar.ation to Lwajalein of the natives fran several otalls toe
the Eest of Bikini, and gave riee to ths initiation of ax adcitioral effectr oxcerinent desipmed to determine tha effects or
wigniricant ratiacion doseges on humans,




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Select target paragraph3